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One of the beautiful sunsets over San Francisco |
I'm writing those lines in the Air Tahiti Nui plane that is taking us from Los Angeles to Papeete (Yeah, I think we picked a good first stop). But it is so much more than just those destinations. It is also taking us from San Francisco where I've lived for 10 grand years and Denise 7, and the USA which is also Denise's home and became mine. And it is bringing us to a big trip, which is sure to amaze and test us, on our way to France, a place that even for me is very much foreign. I've never worked there and haven't lived there since I finished school. I can't imagine how much more daunting it is for Denise, who accepted to try this adventure with me. If that's not love... I don't know what is.
The last months and weeks have been pretty much a whirlwind for me. I've worked all the way until the end, with only one day off before my vacation (terrible, i know :). We moved out of our apartment 2 months ago already and most of our belongings are on a ship, somewhere on the ocean on their way to France. We've been couch surfing for a month, thanks to wonderful friends that have very generously hosted us as we were hopping from house to house every 3 or 4 days.
With all this: work, moving around, trying to plan the rest of our trip, closing all our bills, selling my motorcycles, changing addresses, doing the taxes... I haven't really realized we just left this place for good. I think it's going to take some time, especially since it's gonna be a while before we reach France itself and have to look ahead again.
Saying goodbye to all the friends has been very real though, but I've been living in a foreign country for so long, away from some of my friends, that I just assume I'll see them again, and again, and again... It is reassuring, but goodbyes have never been my forte. Denise found the right way to do it: "See you soon in France!" she says, and I sincerely hope we get to see many come visit us. We'll definitely do our best to come visit SF again (and the famous 5 weeks of french vacations will definitely help in that regard) but the move will be a strange time.
Today is the first day of a very different time in our lives. I know there's a lot of good awaiting us, and god knows where we'll be 10 years from now. One thing is for sure... I have no idea. It's scary, but maybe that's ok.
It is very moving to read U my brother...I wish u a very good trip. Take everything u can. We will read u as much as we will able to! Kisses...xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteI am impressed. ^^ I hope that travels will make a great and beautiful history to both of you. It will be, I believe that. Both of you have safe travels.^^
ReplyDeleteYour attitude toward life and and bias towards adventure is inspiring. We look forward to reconnecting soon!
ReplyDeleteYou'll always have a place to stay (in addition to many others) when you're in SF.
Shame we'll miss you in May/June when we're in France!
C'est avec beaucoup d'émotion que nous avons lu ton message et nous réalisons combien votre choix est un moment important de votre vie à tous les deux. Sachez que nous serons toujours là pour vous aider à réussir ce "passage".
ReplyDeleteNous vous suivrons tout au long de ce voyage qui nous en sommes persuadés devrait vous laisser des souvenirs inoubliables.
On vous aime - Gros bisous- Claude et Maryse
Quelle aventure, quels chamboulements, quel tournant à 180° dans votre vie, ce passage de 6 mois permettra une jonction en douceur avant une arrivée sur les chapeaux de roue! Comptez sur nous pour être à la réception les bras grands ouverts. On vous aime.
ReplyDeleteEn vraie soeur insensible je me sens obligée moi aussi de vous dire ô combien je suis bouleversée par ce que vous devez laisser derrière vous !!! Non mais franchement et le changement pour nous alors ? Moins de place à St Laurent, ni dans l'appart au ski, plus de kdo à faire aux anniversaires... plus sérieusement redécouvrir notre frère qui nous a quitté depuis si longtemps et accueillir une "soeur" pour qui je l'espère nous saurons être une seconde famille. J'ai envie de dire Welcome Home, bientôt, et avant tout cela ENJOY !
ReplyDeleteMerci pour vos messages.
ReplyDeletePour le moment c'est Tahiti, et l'ajustement n'est pas trop difficile. On parvient a survivre :)
Life is all about the journey, not the destination. I admire you and Denise so much for being as brave, free and adventurous as you are. I'm sure there will be trying moments on your trip, but what a wonderful and unforgettable way to transition into your new life. Oh the stories you will have! The photographs alone are breathtaking.